Cork Tile Flooring

Cork tile flooring is one of the most comfortable and easy to take care of flooring choices for any room. Cork tiles are easy to install with the glue down method. Applying a sturdy finish — be it wax or urethane — will keep the cork looking great for years, as illustrated by buildings in Chicago, Toronto and Washington DC.

Many homeowners are afraid to venture out into a type of flooring that they have not previously used. This could be attributed to many different reasons, including the fact that they do not know as much about this flooring and thus, are uncomfortable using it in their home. One of the floorings that most people do not know much about is cork tile flooring. Cork is not just for bulletin boards anymore. Cork tile flooring offers you a beautiful covering for your floor, a soft and cushioned surface to walk on, and a durable flooring that will last for years.

Cork tile flooring comes in colors other than just brown too. Although the majority of cork tile flooring can be found in tans and beiges, other colors are available in this style of flooring, including red, black, and green. These floor tiles feature the natural swirls and whorls that are associated with real cork and this inconsistency in colors makes this flooring even more beautiful and visually appealing. You can even mix some of the brown tiles with the colors to create one-of-a-kind flooring that you will love and be proud of.

Comfort is the name of the game in cork tile flooring. These flooring tiles are known for being resilient, which makes them soft and cushioning for walking on. That’s one reason they are good for areas where you stand quite a bit, in like the kitchen. This also makes the flooring ideal for insulating the flooring for both temperature control and to reduce sound. This is a wonderful benefit for any room in your home, from a living room to bedroom to kitchen and more. Cork tile flooring has environmental benefits as well.

Cork is becoming very popular as an environmentally friendly floor because cork is a sustainable flooring material. Cork is made from the bark of the cork oak tree, so the tree doesn’t have to be cut down to harvest the bark. The bark replenishes itself within seven years (though some manufacturers wait nine to twelve years), which is why it is environmentally friendly. Each harvest of the bark results in smoother bark that is much more beautiful with each harvest.

Cork flooring tiles are not necessarily a new idea. Cork has been used for over 100 years as a flooring choice. In fact, Frank Lloyd Wright, a famous American architect, used cork in many of the homes that he designed. Cork tile flooring was also used in business buildings, including the First Congressional Church in Chicago, IL, and the old Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Stock Exchange. It’s not as well known as other flooring types, but it has been used with great success for over 100 years.

Cork tile flooring needs to be installed by a professional. This will ensure that it is properly installed and properly sealed for maximum durability. Without being sealed, it can be susceptible to water damage and fading. One thing you want to keep in mind is if you have dogs or cats with nails or wear stiletto heels quite often, then you could damage your floors. Polyurethane can help to keep it safe to some degree, but not against sharp and pointy things.

Cork tile flooring is a wonderful choice for most any home. By considering the pros and cons of cork tile flooring, you can determine whether it is the right choice for your home. It will add beauty and warmth to any room that you choose.

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